My wonderful wife has very kindly shared her story. She doesn't always like to listen to me, but she has taken control of her life to make exercise and calorie counting priority so she can lose any weight she gained through pregnancy, check it out...
'I can't believe you're walking in this weather' is what someone said to me today. To be honest I couldn't quite believe it myself, it was raining heavy, windy and cold, however my daily step target of 10,000 was to be achieved!
Why am I walking 10000 steps a day? Because I want to shift the baby pounds gained whilst pregnant with my little boy, George.
To give you a bit of background before pregnancy, I exercised tirelessly - I mainly ran, walked and did spinning classes to maintain the 3.5 stone I lost a few years back. Not only did exercise maintain my body weight/shape I enjoyed that feeling of being on a high after a workout.
During pregnancy you are quite limited to what you can do, therefore running and spinning did take a back step but I made sure to keep up my walking even right up to completing a 2 mile walk the day before I gave birth. However I'm not going to lie, I don't think I ate for two, I ate for about 5!! The weight did creep on and at 9 months pregnant I was 3 stone heavier.
When asked to do this blog I wasn't keen on putting something so personal as my weight in here but I'm taking the brave step in the hope it may help others and also I suppose spur me on to my target weight. So here goes......
Pre pregnancy 11st 5
9 month pregnant 14st 5
Just after birth 13st
5 months later (and after a few months of on/off dieting)12st 4
Goal 11st 5
So there you have itand back to the present day I've lost 10 pounds, which isn't that great in 5 months however 2 of those pounds have been in the last week since keeping to my steps target and calorie counting.
It's hard balancing looking after a baby and household as well as trying to fit exercise in but it's definitely not impossible. Take today for example, every excuse ran through my head - it's raining! I can't go out and get wet?! I can't take my baby out in this weather! I have the dishes to do! Excuses are no good to anyone, yes it's raining but when did raining ever hurt anyone, yeah I got a little wet but wore a coat, baby was fineand happy as anything all wrapped up in the cocoon of his pram having the best nap and guess what the dishes were done when I got back!
itting my steps target and walking is the best form of exercise I can do with a baby, it's no longer as easy to just go for a run or the gym, but it works all the same and George loves being out and about watching the birds, trees or anything that moves (when he's not napping!)
The calorie control alongside my walking is also very doable and if I'm honest I don't even feel like I'm dieting, for example I am allowed 1600 calories a day which would give me a 2 pound weight loss a week - yesterday I had 50g granola and yoghurt for breakfast, tuna sandwich, quavers and banana for lunch, chicken stir fry for tea (no noodles or rice) and because I had calories to play with I enjoyed a mint aero with a cuppa before bed!!!
What other diet can you have bread, crisps and chocolate in the same day?!?
So that's my story so far, my mini target is to be under 12stone for my 2 friends weddings at the end of July! I will report back then, wish me luck!
I think anyone would agree, Danielle is killing it! She's losing weight at a great pace to make sure she keeps it off. Absolutely inspirational!! If you have any questions, as always, get in touch.