There are many reasons why I love exercising - the ongoing challenges you can put yourself through, the variety of workouts you can do, the goals you can set, the physical and mental aspects of it, the nutritional side of it, the results of consistent hard work, and of course the happy endorphins! The benefits and rewards from maintaining a healthy lifestyle are vast and varied – for diabetics, this includes helping to increase insulin sensitivity and therefore not needing as much insulin to process carbs. However, in order to enjoy the exercises and benefits, and in order to reach those goals, for someone with diabetes it’s not so easy. It’s difficult. My doctor’s general advice of “Before exercising, if taking insulin – half your dose” was just a starting point. Different types of exercise have different effects on your sugar levels – that’s one thing I have to consider before a workout along with numerous others: Am I in a blood sugar range I’m comfortable with? When did I last eat, did I take insulin, if so – how much? Do I need to take more to counteract a rise or do I need to eat something first in order to prevent a hypo?
During my workout – how do I feel? Should I test halfway? Why am I sweating so much; are my legs shaking from this never ending leg workout or am I having a hypo? Am I lacking energy because my levels are now high or have I just completely tired myself out from the workout?
Afterwards - When will I next be eating? How much insulin do I take post workout to make sure my levels don’t drop too much as a result of the exercise? Over time, and through numerous experiments, trial and errors, review of my own blood sugar levels reactions before, during and after a workout; I’ve learnt what works for me and how to react to the answers to all the above questions. It’s not guaranteed the outcome is always the same (some random factor may come into play) but it’s made me 100% more confident in working out.
Starting out and learning how to make my diabetes and exercising work wasn’t straight forward. In fact, some days were down right exhausting (and still can be) but I did it because I love exercising.Because I don’t want Diabetes to stop me doing something I love and have a real passion for. Rather than fight against it, or ignore it, I’ve tried to learn as much as I can about it. Leading an active and healthy lifestyle definitely contributes to maintaining good control over my levels – the two go hand in hand.
One of the reasons why I started my Instagram account was to not only have a place to share my love for fitness (and food…there’s a lot about food on there) but to also raise awareness about Diabetes and to hopefully help anyone who has reservations or is hesitant to start exercising. Diabetics can work out and enjoy exercising just like everyone else. As a personal trainer at Result Fitness, I’m incredibly thankful that I have the opportunity to also work with diabetic clients. It is so rewarding seeing them learn, applying different methods to their regime, helping with trial and errors/experiment and watching them become more comfortable with the idea of exercising while learning what works best for them.